Wednesday, 3 February 2010

I may be fooling myself, but it feels as if things are on the move already. As soon as I had my premolar out, my teeth stopped aching as the pressure had gone. The gap from my tooth extraction feels a bit smaller than it did 2 weeks ago. I've also noticed that my bite seems to be much better since getting rid of that tooth, and my lower jaw sits a bit more forward, so I should be able to ward off that dangly double chin for a few years to come. For a view of the gap, see below:

Managing OK with the TPA, although it is rubbing a bit at the sides of my tongue. I still have to think a bit about what I eat, but most of the time it goes fine. Some of the oddest things cause problems - peas are a nuisance because their skins get wrapped around the device, and a coconut chocolate bar was a nightmare, because the coconut pieces got stuck all around my brace.

Here is a pic of the TPA in place, mercifully without food debris attached:


  1. Hey. looking good. I found your blog on archwired. I too am optimistic that my teeth are moving. I think it's all in my head tho it's only been 4 days haha.

  2. Hey Dentalista,

    Congrats on deciding to do a blog about your dental treatment. It is not only a great way to show how far you have come over your treatment but can demonstrate to others how beneficial such treatment is, and that you are never too old (I meant that in a nice way). You are only at the beginning really but it will be worth it.

    I am writing to you as I feel you and your followers could benefit from a link to the possibly on your sidebar, which would give you are your followers access to information concerning treatment like braces as well as a host of other dental treatment.

    The Cosmetic Dentistry Guide is the leading provider of cosmetic dental information online in the UK, and includes a forum as well as an expert answers section, so if you or your followers have any questions then feel free to ask.

    Orthodontics -

    Our homepage is:

    I hope the treatment goes well and you get the smile that you want.


  3. Hi Jamie

    Thank you for visiting me! I hope your treatment is going well. I think the aching you get when you first have the brace on is your teeth getting loosened up and ready to move, and all the soft tissues stretching etc - but I'm not an expert.

    I was interested by what someone said on Archwired, that your teeth ache for several days after a wiring, then it all goes quiet for a couple of weeks, then about a week before your next appointment they start aching again - that pretty much matches my experience.

    I didn't expect my extraction site to feel so weird, but I guess it's because of the other tooth moving into the space.

  4. Hi Richard

    Thank you for your comment. I will see about posting a link to you - I also plan to do a link for my orthodontists, because they have been so brilliant so far!
